All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in total
Bootstrapping with kids and waiting to launch
It doesn't feel like all the pieces are in place yet

Which part of the product will get traction?
And... when should we launch?

How many early access customers did we get?
We sent out invitations for early access – did anyone pay?

Is Josh ready for early access?
When to open up a SaaS for early-access

What it takes to run a paid online community (8+ years)
Josh had a baby!

Is truly possible to validate a product idea before launch?
Questions from listeners, stacking your advantages, and more

Josh gets some runway
When should you ask for help, and when should you power through it?

Observing customer demand (plus: we reveal the name)
How do you know that people want this right now?

First, a little background
How we got here, and a peek at the new SaaS project

Teaser: trying something new for 2021
Announcing a new MegaMaker project

Archive (2019): A time capsule of bootstrapping anxiety
What's happened since we launched Transistor?